Monday, June 13, 2011


We had VBS at our church last week. It was a crazy, busy week! Our theme was 'Big Apple Adventure'. Here is a pic of Cady in her shirt.  
The shirt was about 5 sizes too big, so we did a little work on it so that she would wear it throughout the week.  
Here she is drinking out of her "Big Apple" cup. She LOVES it. I think it was her favorite part! She cracked me up during worship. When all the kids would scream, she would cover her ears! I laughed every time!
In my class there were 30 kids. Thankfully there were 4 adults to help get everyone where they needed to go. For the whole VBS there were 449 kids. Isn't that amazing!
Side note-
Last week we bought Cady a pool. You know, just the little $10 one. It made her ubber happy. She loves playing in the war-war and using cups and pitchers to dump and pour. She also thought it was a blast to slide down into the pool.


 I think the week made Wyatt tired...
He did not take being waken up each morning very well. This is what he looked like every morning before I would wake him.

After our wild week of VBS was over we headed to my parents for a family reunion on Saturday and Sunday. 

This is what the kids did. As for the adults, I'm not really sure what they did...

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