Saturday, October 30, 2010

An update and some Pumpkin Pickin'

Thursday night Jake and I went to the West Texas Rehab's annual Dinner Show. It was tons of fun and we heard some really great music. The lead singer from Alabama (Randy Owen), the lead singer from Lonestar (Richie McDonald), and the lead singer of Restless Heart (Larry Stewart) all sang together. They played some of each groups most popular songs and then played a few that hadn't even been recorded. It was great!

This last week, we celebrated my sisters birthday. My mom and I took her for a girls night out. We hit up a few of our favorite places and had each part of the meal at a different place. Fun, fun!

Every year at this time I see tons of pics of little ones at their local pumpkin patch. Jake and I went a few years ago to a pumpkin farm and got to pick our own. It was a lot of fun, so it just seemed like the right thing to take Cady to see the pumpkins. I wanted Jake to get to go and today was our chance. After tomorrow, the pumpkin patches here will be closed.

 As you can see she is really excited about going to see the pumpkins...

 She wouldn't look at the camera because she was too busy checking everyone out.

She really liked the gourds.

Daddy helping her to sit on a pumpkin. Too silly! 

 Throwing the little pumpkins out of the bucket...Yikes!

Too Heavy!!!

This one's my size!


How about these?

We had such a good time!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Makin' Her Moma Laugh!

Cady is SO much fun! I find myself laughing at her little quirks all day, every day. She is just so stinkin’  cute!

(Being a bee, talking on the phone)

It’s amazing to me that as I watch her play each day I am actually watching her develop problem-solving skills and seeing her little mind grow.  

(Trying the change the channel on the TV)

(Outside BBQing at Grandmomma and Grandaddy's)

 Every morning our routine begins:

- Cady wakes up, and comes and cuddles with mommy in bed for just a few minutes (usually because I’m hoping that just MAYBE she will decide she doesn’t really want to be awake at 6)

- Mommy gets tired of being tackled, so we come into the living room, get a cup of milk and cuddle while we watch the sun come up

- Breakfast

- Cady has a little personal playtime while mommy does a few chores! (Sometimes Cady helps!)

While she plays by herself, I love watching her!!! Recently she has come up with several hiding places in the house; the bathtub , the seat in the jumperoo, the space between the couch cushion and the arm,  and her little canvas toy bin. It’s so neat to see how she will put something in one of those places, and then later in the day go get it when she is ready to play with it again. (Also, if you're ever here and something of yours is missing, these are the first places to look!)
Yesterday she was trying to hold all these rings. I watched as she figured out that if she would put them up on her arms, she could carry them all. It made her VERY happy!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I would like to introduce you to...

Evidently he does not like to be still. The Sono Tech said that usually the first appointment of the day set the mood the rest of the appointments. Since our little guy was being so difficult, she was dreading the rest of the day. =) Too funny!  I know that he is much more active than Cadence was, but now it has been confirmed; he is a ninja. lol

Also, it was really exciting to get to have a 3-D sonogram this time. With Cady we didn't get to have one. It was pretty neat. I must admit that the pics are a little creepy, but also very cool!
What a great miracle from above!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Jake safely made it home at 10 o'clock Friday morning. I'm not sure what time that means he had to get up, but I bet it was early. While he was making his way home, Cady and I headed to the JBF Sale and didn't find ANYTHING... evidently the trick is to find a way to get in on the Pre-Sale. Oh, well. Better luck next time.
On Saturday I got to go INSIDE Jake's work. I have been in the parking lot several times, and in the security office once. It is just such a restricted place. However, this weekend they had a Family Weekend and let everyone in. I was pumped! It was very cool, and I have a much better understanding of exactly what Jake does...It only took 5 years.
Over all it was a relaxing weekend that gave Jake and I time to spend together and catch up. God is so good!
So, my cousin (who, by the way, has a MUCH better camera than I) took some 1st Bday pics of Cady for me. Then she came to the little party we had and took some more pics, so I thought I'd share a few...

 Being timid with the cupcake.

That was pretty good! I'll take some cake off the bottom!

There we go! 2 hands! YUM!

Our pretty cupcakes!
(There were a few white ones for the little people, so they wouldn't be dyed from head to toe)

As a side note, I think I will ask for a better camera (AGAIN) this year.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mom of the Year Award!

Did you know that there is a Mom of the Year Award???

Yea, I didn't get it. I got the TERRIBLE Mother award!
Cady was playing today, chatting away and then BAM!
one miss step and I watched her in slow-motion fall and smack
her little face on Jake's guitar case.
It was SOOOO sad! I ran over and scooped her up, checking her mouth
nose, forehead... and there it was by her eye...

She was crying when I picked her up, but I guess the look
on my face was funny. As soon as I started checking her
up and down she started laughing. I put ice on it in hopes
of keeping the swelling down. She threw a bigger fit about that
than she did when she got the boo-boo.
By the time she went to bed it was strawberried,
blue bruised, and swollen :(
When I talked to Jake tonight (He is GA again) I told him that
I was worried about what people will think when they
 see her big, black eye. He said not to worry.
I hope he's right.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just So YOU know...

On Sunday, Cadence's official B-Day, we let her sit in her new carseat so she could face forward. She was SO cute, and confused about why she could see her mommy and daddy. Poor girl!

Just so you know,
I think that I may possibly have the SWEETEST little girl in the whole world.
She puts up with all her momma's drama!
Today we attempted to wrangle Cady's hair.
We went to WalleyWorld earlier today and bought some little-bitty rubber bands.
Then I plunked Cady in my sink and went to work.
She took it SO well. She played with all the trinkets around my sink while I brushed away.

Cute right???

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1 & 28

My sweet little girl is now 1 year old! It's amazing to me how fast time goes by. Jake and I were talking about how just the other day, I was at the same point in my pregnancy with Cady that I am now in with Wyatt. Any yet, here we are. On Saturday we had a little family get together to celebrate!

The Birthday Girl! 
(I would like to make a side note here, that her shoes were very cute!!! you just can't see them in this pic.)

We served brisket, beans, chili-cheese grits w/ the fixing's and
then had cupcakes for desert!

Many family members came to help us celebrate the BIG EVENT!


Then it was cupcake time! Cadence was so funny. First she flipped it upside down and just pulled the cake part off the bottom (she usually doesn't like icing very much), but by the end she was double-fisting her cupcake and shoveling it in!

She thought that her momma needed some too, so she shared =)
Sweet girl!

Then we took a really fast bath, and opened presents.

It was TONS of fun, and I am so glad that our families could be there with us!

Yesterday, we celebrated Jake's 28th Birthday. Poor guy started off the day sick in bed. It was very sad. However, by the end of the day, he was up to eating a big birthday dinner and doing a little celebrating and gift opening.

Jake's sister scrap booked him a book...

It was all about the adventures of his crazy chin-hair. It was SO funny!

You know what makes me laugh? Far Cady's b-day she got toys and books, some pictures and a piggy bank. You know what Jake wanted for his birthday???
 Attachments for his weed-eater (or week-whacker, depending on what part of the country you live in).