Thursday, September 30, 2010


Sorry this is sideways...not sure what happened. My little girl is walking around like crazy!!! I thought all 1st children walked late???

So Tuesday night was the Fund Raising Dinner for the Pregnancy Help Center of the Concho Valley. I've posted before a little about them. It was SOOOOO AWESOME! It began with a little meet and greet session. Then we sat down for dinner, and they told us more about the center. It is really such an amazing organization! I was very excited to get to be there this year! There was special music and our Guest Speaker was Star Parker. She is really amazing. She is currently running for Congress in California. Everything she had to say was funny, and convicting, and so on point. I was really amazed!!! I wish everyone could have been there. They also had a video storey about a family that the Pregnancy Help Center had helped. You know I sat there watching this video and this girl was talking about finding out she was pregnant when she was 3 months along. Her parents wanted her to have an abortion, and so she thought that's what she would do, until she saw the ultrasound and that there was life there. The verse they used for the evening was John 1:4 "In him was life; and the life was the light of men.". So I am listening to how this girl saw the life and decided she couldn't kill it. The story was good, really good, but it didn't really hit me until at the end of the story they introduced her...and in her arms she held  a beautiful week old baby girl. Proof of one life saved. I boo-hooed!
Wednesday my momma came over and helped me paint Wyatt's room. It is now green! It didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would, and it only took one coat! What a blessing.
Last night, we had a Birthday dinner for my niece, Rachel, who turned 11!!! OMGosh, she is getting so big. We had a wonderful meal and then the whole fam came over to my house and we had cupcakes! I had some candles in the cabinet, but no matches or lighter in the house. THANKFULLY we have really amazing neighbors who gladly let me borrow a lighter and told me to keep it so I can light candles Saturday for Cady's b-day!
My sis-in-law also came over and hung out with me for the night! It was so good to get to spend some good time together! We had a wonderful lunch at a local Mexican food restaurant (I can't remember what it was called). I'm definitely going to have those nachos again!
Tonight, we went to the Nature Center for Rachel's b-day party. There were TONS of little screaming 5th grade girls. Whew! Glad that it was short and sweet!!! One 5th grade girl = very sweet. Twelve 5th grade girls = more than this lady can handle!!! It makes me a little nervous knowing that one day it will be my little girl turning 12, those will be her friends, and when the party's over they will be coming home with me...

Craziness from this week...
 Before Cadence was born, some sweet, loving soul gave us this dirty little rocking horse.
Cady, LOVES it!
 She can get off all by herself...
 and it makes her very proud!

 This week I learned that my child is a magician!
I've been looking for this pair of nail clippers for 2 weeks. I looked everywhere! Under the furniture, in
our luggage, the bathrooms, Cadys room...
Then, one day I look down, and Cady has pulled them out of thin air and is eating them...

Here is my little stinker checking out one of her new b-day presents. Cady is going to get to face forward in the car starting on Sunday! I think she will really like being able to see. After lots, and lots of research I found that this seat has the highest safety and easy of use rating right now. It makes her look so little! It says is will hold a child up to 65lbs. I don't think Rachel weighs 65lbs and she's 11, so hopefully this will last a while!

Jake will be on his way home in the morning. I am SOOO glad! It looks like he is needed here at work right now, so he should be back for a week before they send him off to GA again. Praise God! I am constantly amazed how He takes care of me!

Cady's party is on Saturday! YAY! and she will officially be 1 year old on Sunday. Wow, God is good!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Here and gone...

Jake is currently on a plane headed home! Cady and I are SO excited! :)
Sunday he is headed to Georgia. :( We are very sad about that. But I guess that's life. It is just such a blessing that we are living back in TX and close to our families! I'm not sure what we would do without Jake for a month if we lived somewhere else right now.
I know that it is also such an honor that Jake was one of the people that was asked to help with this project. Of all the people in the company all over the world, one of the 4 people that they wanted was my husband. That must mean that he is doing a good job!
I'm sure that over the coarse of the next 2&1/2+ weeks I will have good days and bad days, but I know that God is with me holding my hand. In one of my most favorite songs ever there is a line that says, "You never said it would be easy, You only said I'd never go alone," That's how I feel right now, and there is just great peace in knowing that.
On to other things...yesterday I went paint hunting... There are 3 colors on Wyatt's bedding that I really thought might look really good on the walls. I bought samples and painted little patches on the walls...
So.... I'm thinking that the blue is a definite no...the cream is okay but may be too close to the trim color. Right now I'm leaning towards the green. Plus, green is supposed to be a soothing/calming color. That's what we want, calm and soothing!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An Ode...

Jake is still gone, but Cadence and I have been busy girls! 

 Cady is sleeping well in her new room...

the spare is coming along...
and Cady's quilt for her bed is coming along...

I think it will be super cute when it's all done.
I decided to go really simple with it because it's my first go at sewing bed-stuff. I'll post another pic when it's all done.

"What the H-E-double hockey sticks???" (I mean that in the most respectful and loving way)
The end.

I was talking to Jake last night (he's still in Germany) and he told me that he received a work email saying that he was needed in Atlanta immediately for a work project. He was to fly out of Germany and be there today. After talking to his boss and a few other people he is staying in Germany to finish his meetings there and then coming home on Friday...and then leaving Sunday night. Would you like to know how long he will be gone???? 2 & 1/2 to 4 weeks!!!!! He SHOULD get to come home for Cady's B-Day party though... :-/
I know that God uses all things to teach us, mold us and prepare us for the future...I'm learning. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010


When Jake is gone there are 2 things that I really like to do.

Thing #1:
I watch movies...LOTS of movies. Pretty much anything that I have been wanting to see and haven't had time for. With Cadence this is not quite as easy as when it was just me left behind. Last night we watched "Letters to Juliet". It was a really sweet movie. I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting a clean, sweet, girly movie. I'll let you know if I watch anyting else worth renting.

Thing #2:
I rearrange... I'm not sure why, but when Jake is gone it always seems to be a good time to take on this task. Probably because Jake HATES it...and I like it! So today I got all the stuff moved out of the front room into the office...

It is a total disaster now, so this is what I will be working on the rest of the week. I did get all of Cady's furniture moved into her new room and all set up. Other than pictures being hung, her room is all done...YAY! And Wyatt's room will be ready to paint as soon as I take all Cadence's stuff off the walls.

1 more thing:
Yesterday at Church we had a guest speaker. A guy by the name of Dr. Jerry Pipes. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! He spoke at the morning worship service and then again yesterday afternoon. He talked about Christian families and how to raise your kids to remain focused on Christ. Did you know that 96% of kids raised in the Church end up leaving the Faith? How sad! Anywho, if your interested look him up. I got both of his books last night. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to teach my kids in a way that they are locked on to Christ for life!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

We're still here

Well… It seems like it has been a while since I have filled you all in on the goings on of Team Hamilton. I know that there has been a LOT going on, and yet somehow now that I have time to write, it escapes me.

Jake has been working like a crazy person, and sometimes it drives ME crazy! He was been “on call” last week and was called in almost every day. I feel so bad for him! Every time he made plans to go dove hunting, and was about to head out the door his pager wuold go off and he had to go in. Last Tuesday he got paged at 2:30 am. When he called to see what was going on the guy said that he was just paging to let Jake know they might be paging him to come in later…that’s swell, thanks for the heads up AT 2 IN THE MORNING!!!

While Jake has been busy with work, Cady and I are finding ways to keep our schedule full too. We are working on getting all the supplies together for her birthday! It is so exciting. Jake said that it’s silly how pumped up I am about Cadences 1st Birthday Party… Oh well, your baby only turns 1 once! We have decided that this time we are going to have a family party. Cady is having a little stranger anxiety these days, so having a house full of people she doesn’t know might not be the best idea. It will be pretty small, but I still want it to be special!!

- I am also working on a few projects. Right now I am making Cadence a tutu to wear at her party (every birthday girl needs a special birthday party outfit!!!).

- I am also working on a new quilt/blanket for Cadence. It took me a while to get all of the material together and then get the squares cut out. Now I just need to get started sewing squares together. I REALLY hope that it comes out good! It will be a special present for her when she moves into her new room…which is another thing I am working on. We are going to give Cady a bigger room at the front of the house. I think she will sleep better because she won’t be able to hear all the goings on in the kitchen. Wyatt will get the little room, and the office will also be the guest bedroom. There is LOTS of rearranging to do.

- Mom is also helping me with curtains for the living room. Jake and I found some really nice fabric that goes perfectly with our couches and pillows. We were able to get a really good price, which is good because it is going to take the better part of 10 yards to cover the windows.

When I finish all this madness I will have to post pictures to show of my craftiness. I’m really excited. Crafty things usually do not fall in my line of gifts…

This past week Jake, Cady and I headed to College Station. Part of Jake’s job is to recruit Co-ops and full time employees at the College Engineering Fairs around Texas. While he worked (poor guy) Cadence and I Shopped like to crazy girls! It was lots of fun! We drove into Katy and went to a really big mall there where we hit up all the great baby clothing stores (Carters, Gap, Old Navy, Osh Kosh, etc) and then we did the serious shopping at Babies R Us. YAY! Pretty much, except for needing another crib, we are set for Wyatt’s arrival.

My mom had knee surgery yesterday. She is doing REALLY good. I must admit I'm suprised. I really thought she would have a tough time, especially at first. Shows what I know about how tough my momma is!
Then last night we headed out to Irion County to watch the mighty Hornets was so good to see everyone..That's all I'm going to say about that ;)

Here are a few pics of our crazy days…

Being silly

Watching it rain

Our first piece of was YUM!

After bath time (one of my favorite times!)

Eating.....everything! (Cady has 6 teeth now!
I can see where 7 and 8 are going to come up...
I hope they wait!)

This next week Jake will be in Germany ALL week... wish us luck!

Friday, September 3, 2010


I am really having a hard time. I can’t decide if I am just overly hormonal (entirely possible) or if God is just really working on me this week. There have been a lot of things that are happening in other people’s lives that just make me sad. I mean not things that they are doing, but rather things they are having to go through. I can’t help but wonder why? I look at my life and see God’s blessings all around and I ask, “Lord, why is it me that you are choosing to bless?” I know that sometimes the struggles in our lives really are God’s blessing, it just takes us a while to see it sometimes. I just feel like maybe it’s someone else’s turn to see the goodness of God in their life…You know, like share the wealth.

We now call Cady “Nosey Nancy”! She is such a nosey little girl. She stares at people where ever we go. Yesterday she turned all the way around in her high chair at Olive Garden to watch the people behind us eat. Thankfully they were really sweet and talked to her and waved. But she stared at them until they left… Here is a picture of our nosey little girl watching her daddy under the bathroom door…

And here she is wanting to know what I'm doing on the computer...
Wednesday morning when I got up with Cady at 6ish, I was pretty sure that I wasn’t going to make it through the day. The night before was pretty rough. Cady started getting a little bit of a runny nose Tuesday afternoon, then by that night she was running a low-grade fever. She went to sleep night at about 8:30 (about an hour earlier than normal), and then proceeded to wake up every 45 minutes to an hour after that… needless to say, it was a long night! I put her in bed with us once hoping that it might get me a few hours, but about 5 minutes later I heard a “SLAP” and Jake moan… Evidently she slapped him in the face while she was flopping around; oops. At first I couldn’t decide if Cadence was teething or getting a cold. The symptoms are so much alike! Finally this morning she sneezed, and green boogies came out. I’ve now determined that she has a cold. She really has been such a sweet girl through it all.

I guess that I didn’t tell you in my last post that Jake got moved back to a normal schedule. HALELUIA (can you hear the choir sing it???) I am so excited! Praise God for answered prayers. He is back working Monday thru Friday. He still has to go in pretty early, but he’s getting back home at around 6 or so each night. It’s SO much better! YAY!!!

Yesterday I went to the chiropractor. I have been having a lot of pain in my hips recently. It actually started when I was prego with Cady, and never really went away. It is already affecting my sleep and I figure that I still have 4 ½ months to go. If it continues to get worse, I won’t be able to walk by December… It was a really good experience. I have had a dull head ache for the last 2 days and as soon as he adjusted me it went away. Plus, he really seemed to think that he would be able to help with my hips… I’m pretty pumped! When I was talking to Jake about it he said, “So, did he nail a dead chicken to the wall before he started?” hahaha- yea, not funny. My husband is convinced that Chiropractics are pretty much voodoo, I however disagree. I’m just hoping for some nights of better rest. If I can get that, it was well worth the time 

This morning is was SOOOO beautiful! Cady and I sat out on the back porch for a little while and just enjoyed the cooler weather. Everything looks greener that it did yesterday and people are much happier around town! It’s amazing what a little rain can do!

Okay, I’ll shut up for now! Until we talk again… Oh, if you get a few extra minutes, could you leave a comment and tell me how you’ve seen God’s blessings in your life recently??? That would be really great! Thanks!!!