Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sick, sick, sick!

Monday Wyatt turned two months old! That morning we headed to the doctor, but not for a well visit. We went because Wyatt was sick. Turns out his present was a severe cold and an ear infection. How exciting (in my most sarcastic tone)! However we did learn that he now weighs 12 pounds! I am very excited about that . He has gained 4 pounds in the last 6 weeks. Looks like this breastfeeding thing is going to work out! Because he is sick we had to reschedule his 2 month check-up so we won't actually get to that for another 2 weeks.
Then yesterday I got a call from Cady's School (She goes to a Kids Day Out program 2 mornings a week). Now she is sick. :( Her fever is running right around 102. Poor babies! So this morning we headed back in to the doc. Now I am sitting here waiting on the pharmacy to send me a text saying her prescription is ready. She has an ear infection too!
Poor babies!
It seems like it's that time of year; a lot of people are sick! My niece and nephew are sick, as well as many of our friends and their children. I guess all that's left to say is: "Stock up on the Dimetap!"

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