Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Quiet Moment

   I am sitting here having a quite moment. It's my first quiet moment in quite a while. Let me fill you in...

   Monday my dad had his surgery. As is common, his 9:30 a.m. surgery didn't actually begin until after lunch. But, you don't actually know it's going to start late until it does. So I got up and took Cady out to her Grandma and Pawpaw's so that she wouldn't have to sit in the hospital all day. After I ran her out there I headed up to the hospital. Just as I knew He would be, God was present through that whole day. Dad's surgery went really well. He was in and out in about 2 hours and we were able to see him that evening.
   Tuesday was a totally insane day. I took Cady to her Kids Day Out class, then headed to the hospital where Mom watched Wyatt for me while I went to my doctor's appointment. After my appointment and a little procedure, I headed back to the hospital to pick Wyatt up and check on Dad. I met my Mother-in-law back at my house (My Sweet, sweet, sweet, MIL not only took care of Cady all day Monday, but she also was a huge help and picked Cady up from school!) Then, yesterday evening the kids and I headed back up to the hospital to check on Dad. (I know it's insane to go 3 times, but it's all I can do! I can't help in the surgery, I can't help with pain, I can't help with healing. All I can do is pray and visit!!) T,A,R,L,A met us up there and then we went to eat. After that I looped back by the hospital to drop off something for mom. Jesus, was SO sweet to me; even though it was a crazy day it all worked out really well!
   Oh, maybe I didn't mention that last Friday Cady's ear drum busted! Sooooooo, it has been draining this nasty liquid for 7 days. I called when it happened and the sweet nurse (sarcasm!) told me that it would go away on it's own. So I have been trying not to worry about it. However last night at midnight Cady woke up and told me her ear hurt (Actually she said 'eeeea, mommy, eeeeea", but I knew what she meant!) So we were up 1/2 the night battling that and half of the other half of the night I was up feeding Wyatt. So I DID sleep a little!
   Today (thankfully) Wyatt had his 2 month appointment (which was delayed 2 weeks because he was sick), so I called and got Cady in at the same time. I (as sweetly as I could) explained to the nurse that I would be making an appointment because Cady's ear was still gross and I didn't believe that at this point it was going to clear up on it's own. And so, off we went to see Dr. H where we learned:
 - Wyatt is now 23 1/2 inches long which puts him in the 50th percentile.
 - He also now weighs 13 lbs 10 ounces. He has gained 5 lbs and 12 ounces since his last appointment. That puts him in the 75th percentile for weight
 - all reflexes are good
 - We are behind because evidently I was supposed to start cereal 2 weeks ago! oops!!
 - Cady's ear would never have healed up on it's own. Doc was glad I made the appointment
 - She is now on a $50 antibiotic so hopefully it does $45 better than the $5 antibiotic we were on!

   You know how some kids yell when they get shots and some kids cry? Wyatt is neither of those. He ScReAmS! Now he is running a little fever and his legs are sore. He has been pretty upset most of the afternoon and evening. Cady's ear is still bothering her, but a little pain reliever seems to help some.

   Did I also mention that Jake is in Georgia? Yea, he's been gone all week... :/

The GREAT news that I received today is that...
Dad got to go home!
I can't believe it. The doctor said that he would need to stay in the hospital at least 3 days possibly even 5, but dad was doing SOOOOOO good that the doc didn't see any reason why he needed to stay! Awesome!
I just LOVE when you can see evidence of Christ and His works all over something! GOD IS GOOD!

Now, everyone is sleeping. It may only last for a moment.
After a LONG 3 days, here I am...Just enjoying a quiet moment...

 Look how strong!

The lean...

and the roll!

First bite of cereal. He doesn't look impressed.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Prayer


   Dad's surgery is tomorrow. I know that I've been talking to you about this for a while now, but I wanted to come to you one more time.
   I pray that you continue to prepare the hearts and hands of the surgeon, the nurses, the anesthesiologist, and everyone else present in that room. Lord I ask that you allow the surgery to go smoothly and quickly. Please allow them to see, and remove all the cancer.
   Jesus, I ask you to be with Dad; That you would remove any anxious thoughts from his mind, that you would allow him a night of restful sleep, that his body would do well during and after the surgery.
   Lord, I lift Mom up to you; that you would help her to get the rest that she needs. Please be her comfort during the surgery and her strength during the recovery period.
   Jesus, please be with Amber and I; there's just something about a parent having surgery that makes us anxious. Please help us rest well tonight, and not worry about tomorrow.
   I know that there are many more things I could and probably should be praying about and for. I know that you know what they are. Thank you Jesus for who you are. It is such a comfort to know that you will be there with all of us tomorrow. Thank you for being our Savior.

It's in your precious name I pray,

Friday, March 18, 2011


Yesterday was Jake and I's 4th Anniversary. I am really so thankful that God blessed me with such an amazing, christian man. Everyone knows I didn't deserve the redeeming love that Christ has blessed me with; I am so grateful Jesus brought it into my life anyway!
For the occasion my sweet hubby gave me 2 REALLY wonderful gifts. A couple of weeks ago I convinced Jake that we should go look at a furniture store that was closing. We had already been to a few that hadn't really been that good so I expected this one to be the same. I was really excited when we walked in and the prices were really good. We ended up bringing home a night stand for Wyatt's room and a whole bedroom set for our room! I am so excited!! Our room has always been the junk room, but now it looks really nice. I LOVE it!
Then last night he gave me one of the sweetest, most thoughtful gifts; he took today off. so we lounged around all morning and then I went and got a pedicure (I really needed one and was so thankful to have a gift certificate!). Then, later this afternoon I am going to Hobby Lobby. It has been a really great day!

A few weeks ago we had some pictures taken by a professional photographer. She did a really great job. If you are interested you can check out her site here. She was just so patient with us and amazing with the kids. These are a few that I really like:

Last week Amber brought AA and Lane over to play. Cady loves her little 4 wheeler but is scared to push the button that makes it go. AA does not have the same issue. She LOVES to push the button...

Poor Jake had to run all around the house following them because neither one knows how to steer! It was so funny! They would bump into something and AA would never let off the button.

Wyatt is getting bigger and bigger. He is also very strong. This week we pulled out the Bumbo and he can already sit up in it for a couple of minutes. He has also rolled over 3 times from his belly to his back. The first time I thought it was an accident...but I don't know. 3 times just this week!

Cady has claimed the Bumbo as her own. She gets a little upset when we let Wyatt sit in HER chair.

She really is a sweety though! Learning how to not be selfish is a hard lesson. One that many of us are still learning! ;)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sick, sick, sick!

Monday Wyatt turned two months old! That morning we headed to the doctor, but not for a well visit. We went because Wyatt was sick. Turns out his present was a severe cold and an ear infection. How exciting (in my most sarcastic tone)! However we did learn that he now weighs 12 pounds! I am very excited about that . He has gained 4 pounds in the last 6 weeks. Looks like this breastfeeding thing is going to work out! Because he is sick we had to reschedule his 2 month check-up so we won't actually get to that for another 2 weeks.
Then yesterday I got a call from Cady's School (She goes to a Kids Day Out program 2 mornings a week). Now she is sick. :( Her fever is running right around 102. Poor babies! So this morning we headed back in to the doc. Now I am sitting here waiting on the pharmacy to send me a text saying her prescription is ready. She has an ear infection too!
Poor babies!
It seems like it's that time of year; a lot of people are sick! My niece and nephew are sick, as well as many of our friends and their children. I guess all that's left to say is: "Stock up on the Dimetap!"

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Art of the Nickname

Jake and I are really in to nicknames. It is part of our way of showing affection. We rarely use a nickname when referring to an adult. Really, we use them for each other and children we adore. I call Jake "babe" and he calls me "stinky". I'm not sure how mine was chosen (maybe I should ask), but I am of the belief that I don't really stink... For kids it's usually something random, the more random the better.
Naturally when Cadence came along we gave her a nickname. I immediately called her "Chicken Little" and Jake called her "Turkey". Over the last 17 months (as of Thursday) these nicknames have evolved into several others: Chicken, Turkey-neck, Little Turkey, and Turkey-chicken.
Now we have Wyatt. The first night he was ours we nicknamed him "Squeaky" because he squeaked all night long, and so Squeaky it has been. Then about 4 weeks ago out of nowhere Jake busts out and starts calling him "Squeaky Crockett". WHAT??? Yes, Squeaky Crockett! Not only does Jake call him that, but he sings it to the tune of Davy Crockett... You know; "Squeaky, Squeaky Crockett! King of the wild frontier!"
For the last 4 weeks I have been telling Jake how awful of a nickname I thought that was. It is, after all, bad.

A few days ago when Wyatt was crying I went over to check on him, and it just came out. "What's wrong Squeaky Crockett?" GASP! I have been warped!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Weekly update

The weeks seem to whizz by. I'm not sure where they go, but they go fast. It seems as though for the time being I am going to be a weekly be it. Right now sleep is a valuable commodity, so I always choose to do that first. :)

The happenings:
Cady playing with her Uncle Ryan (not ACTUALLY an Uncle, but a really good friend) last Friday. She was showing him her animal puzzle. It is very noisy! It "moo"s and "baa"s and "quack"s every time you plug a piece in. Cady loves it; her mom and dad...not so much.

On Saturday the weather was so beautiful. We went out and worked in the yard and turned the sprinklers on to check for leaks.

Cadence LOVED IT!!!

She got SO wet! It was tons of fun, but we had to go in when she started shivering.

Wyatt still just chills out most of the day. For a while he felt as thought someone should be holding him ALL the time. His mommy (a.k.a. Me) had a very hard time getting anything done. However for the last few days it seems to be getting better.
He has really been putting on the weight recently! He is just almost to long for his 0-3 month clothes. I can't believe how fast he is growing. We have an appointment for his 2 month check-up next week. It will be exciting to see how good we are doing.

I am one of those crazy mom's that plug in all the codes that you get in the boxes of diapers and wipes. This is our new toy that we just traded our points in for! Cady is still trying to figure out how it works (looks like it could take a while), but for now she is enjoying traying.

This is my new hand-me-down. I'm very excited! I have been walking with the kids but it is difficult to get up much speed when you are pushing one in a stroller and the other is strapped to your chest. So now I have a new helper! I've used it a few times already and it's wonderful. Hopefully many pounds will be lost on it!