Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Do I look surprised?

This is evidently the face that I make when there are 20ish intruders in my kitchen...

Over the weekend my sister and sister-in-law threw me a surprise baby shower for Baby Wyatt. It was very sweet! Jake had been very sweet to me the day before and took me that morning to look at a potential Christmas present. I just thought he was being really nice because I'm getting HUGE. However it was all a big part of getting me away so a bunch of ladies could break into my house with food and presents.
I felt so terrible. I would have at least swept the floor and cleaned the bathrooms if I had known people were coming...or brushed my hair...Or pulled up my pants! It was really great and lots of love was shown for our little Wyatt!

That night, Jake took me to get my Christmas present! I am SOOOO excited! I have wanted it for a long time now, but I can't tell you what it is because it would ruin the surprise!!!

5 weeks to go until my due date. The countdown begins!

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