Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2 of 2

On this day of my pregnancy with Cadence, I was released from the hospital about noon (I was admitted because my Doc was concerned I was dilating so early in my first pregnancy. Then they learned I was having contractions all over the place but couldn't really feel them so they made us stay over night). After being released Jake and I headed to our apartment in NJ where he sweetly helped me finish washing all the clothes for our little miracle we were waiting on. After we finished, we got ready and went to a friends wedding which the doc said was okay to attend. He did give me 3 rules though:
1. Don't over eat
2. Don't drink alcohol
3. Don't dance
He was certain that if I followed those rules that he would see me the next week still pregnant.
During the reception, Patsy Cline's song Crazy came on. So, partially poking fun at some friends of ours, and partly because I wanted to dance at least a little, I said to Jake, "This could be our last dance, just the 2 of us!" So we danced (I mean it's a SLOW song!!!) and about half way through the song my water broke. A few hours later we learned that the little one we had been waiting on was a little girl, our sweet little Cadence.

And here we are...again. I went to the Doctor today where I learned that I am dilated to a 3 (same as with Cady). Doc H. said that she was sure that as long as I take it easy I'd be back in her office next week.
I guess only time will tell...

1 of 2

I really hope that EVERYONE had an amazing Christmas! We sure did here in the Hamilton House, even though it was a very busy few days (I don't know if it really was or if it's just because I'm dragging around an extra 30 pounds :) ) Christmas Eve we spent out with Jake's parents. We went to a very nice Candle Light Service and then headed to their home for our traditional get together which includes a few extended family members. It was really very good to see everyone. Cady had lots of fun playing with the Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles and opening gifts.

We stayed there over night and then had a wonderful breakfast with the Hamilton clan and exchanged gifts there.

I LOVE this picture. Jake is warming up to play Santa and pass out the gifts. Evidently it requires some *special* stretches! 

Cady was spoiled, spoiled, spoiled! It was so much fun. I loved that she was able to really be a part of all the Christmas Traditions this year. 

Daddy helping Cady to open her new purse (from Grandma and Aunt Jamie) that was full of bracelets! 

Cady was not the only one who was spoiled, Grandma and Pawpaw did a pretty good job of spoiling all of us!

After the morning there, we headed to our house to see what Santa Clause brought for Cady.

We opened a few presents at home, unloaded and reloaded the car and the Headed to my Mom and Dad's.
Again Cady was spoiled, spoiled, spoiled (and her mommy and daddy too!) !


It was so good to get to spend our Christmas day with all of our favorite people! By the end of the day we were all pooped!

Oh, yea! Can you tell what my sweet hubby gave me for Christmas???

I was SOOOO excited to get my camera! YAY for ME! I also got the 2nd lens that goes with it from my in laws! Wow-wee! Sure made me a happy, spoiled, fat lady!

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's all in how you look at it.

On Saturday night Jake, Cady and I headed out to a wedding. While we were there a girl told me that she thought I was only 3 months prego (evidently I currently look similar to what a family member of hers looked like when they were about 3 months along). She was surprised when I told her that I am 36 weeks. I have to admit, I was feeling pretty good about myself :)

Then at church yesterday, a friend of ours said, "Nicole you look miserable!"
Honestly, I don't feel miserable at all. Things are definitely getting more difficult. Like, for example, bending over to pick something up, painting my toenails, holding Cady for a long time, walking for long distances, standing up for a long time, eating, standing up, and I'm not sleeping as well. But all that stuff is normal and I'm at the end of this pregnancy. So, I just said that I was a little tired from the wedding the night before.
Then, after church a lady that I have never seen came up and said, "Honey when are you due? Like, Yesterday?"
Humph! As you can imagine, I was not quite as pleased with this assessment of my appearance!
I think I'm just going to stay home until he decides to come out...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Little Pony

This evening I heard Cadence squeeling and laughing in her room.
She was so proud of herself...

She got on her rocking horse all by herself!
Then she decided that she would show off some of her 14 month old riding skills...

Evidently Cady is in training to be a trick rider!
Thankfully, Daddy came to her rescue to make sure she didn't end up with rugburn on her noggin.

Crazy little girl!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Do I look surprised?

This is evidently the face that I make when there are 20ish intruders in my kitchen...

Over the weekend my sister and sister-in-law threw me a surprise baby shower for Baby Wyatt. It was very sweet! Jake had been very sweet to me the day before and took me that morning to look at a potential Christmas present. I just thought he was being really nice because I'm getting HUGE. However it was all a big part of getting me away so a bunch of ladies could break into my house with food and presents.
I felt so terrible. I would have at least swept the floor and cleaned the bathrooms if I had known people were coming...or brushed my hair...Or pulled up my pants! It was really great and lots of love was shown for our little Wyatt!

That night, Jake took me to get my Christmas present! I am SOOOO excited! I have wanted it for a long time now, but I can't tell you what it is because it would ruin the surprise!!!

5 weeks to go until my due date. The countdown begins!

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's the most WONDERFUL time of the year!

Here are a few pics of the things that have been happening around the Hamilton House:

Sweet Little Girl!

Our tree!!! We are slowly getting decorations on it (who knew just decorating a tree could cost so much???) It may be a little bare this year and then will add each year. 

Wyatt's dresser us underway. Uncle Larry (Jake's side) gave us this dresser when we were visiting his family this Summer. It belonged to Jake's grandfather's grandfather (there could be another grandfather in there somewhere). It's really neat looking, but I was a little worried about us being able to make it look good again. However, my amazing husband (with the help and lots of advice from my MIL) has really pulled it together. There is still a few coats of polyurethane to put on, but it looking really good!

Jake working on the drawers.

Cadence "helping"

Jamie's Surprise 30th Birthday!!! I'm giving her the special Birthday hat!
(Look at that belly! It's amazing you don't realize how big you are until you see it in a picture!)

Cadence wanted to be the first person to wish Aunt Jamie a Happy Birthday. She ran across the room for a hug. It was sooo sweet! She LOVES her Aunt Jamie!

The people

More people

and more people...

A gift from God! Sweet friendships that He has and continues to build.

I LOVE Christmas! It is absolutely, without a doubt my favorite time/day of the year. I love the lights, and the decorations, and buying presents for the people that I love. I love the traditions each family has and how they are all so different. I'm SUPER pumped about Jake and I getting to have our own tree this year...and it's a real one, so every morning when I wake up, my whole house smells like Christmas. I love the food, and the drinks, and all the family get-togethers.
However, of ALL those really awesome things, may very favorite thing about Christmas is Jesus! I know things get really crazy this time of year, especially with all the shopping (which is one BiG reason that I finish all my shopping before Thanksgiving!) but please, please, PLEASE don't forget the real reason for the Season. How awesome is it that there is a whole season dedicated to celebrating the greatest gift EVER given?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Finally...a post

Wow! It has been a really long time since I have posted, so I’m sure that this is going to be long.

Things here in the Hamilton House have been BUSY!

Our Thanksgiving was WONDERFUL! Jake and I were so excited to be with our families this year, so we decided to host at our house. The beautiful thing about our families is that everyone LOVES to bring something, that way no one has to do it all. Evidently since I was offering up the house, I got the easy stuff. I was in charge of:

- Opening a can of cranberry sauce

- Green Bean Casserole

- Broccoli Cheese and Rice

We wanted all our guests to be able to have a leisurely morning, so we told everyone to show up between 11:00 and 11:30, that way we could easily have lunch on the table by noon. By 9:30 Jake and I were sitting on the sofa watching TV wondering what we were going to do until everyone showed up…

It was SO good to be with family this holiday. God has SOOOOOO richly blessed Jake and I. Not only has he granted us Salvation through our relationship with him, but this year we are also thankful for an even stronger marriage based in Him, a beautiful (and sassy) little girl, a son on the way, and a wonderful home for us to live in and share.

I absolutely love it when God shows his humor. When I was growing up, it seemed that you had to be serious all the time in church and about church things. I LOVE how funny God is! 3 times in the last few days I have just had to stop and think, “God, You are SO funny!”

The first time was at Target. I was buying diapers for Cady and the check out guy (who looked like he was still in high school) was commenting on how expensive they were. Then he tells me, “You know, my mom said that children are not like pets. If you can’t afford one don’t get one.” – Hmmm? Thought I see what he was trying to say, what came out was too funny!

Then on my way to Hobby Lobby, while I was stopped at a red light, I watched some police officers pull someone out of their car and begin to search their car at the drive-thru window of a drycleaners. I just couldn’t help but wonder what you had to do to get arrested at a drycleaners…?

The last thing was at the registration desk at my OB/GYN’s office. I am there every-other week (soon to be every), and I know exactly what to do. But for some reason, I could not for the life of me remember when it was my turn. I just stood there and looked at the little guy behind the counter trying to remember… Then it clicked and I said, “I am so sorry, my brain is just not firing on all cylinders today.” I gave him my ID and insurance card, and told them who I was there to see. As he took it he responded, “Oh honey, you’re in trouble!” waving his hand, “ It’s not even lunch time yet!”

Let’s see other things to update the world on:

Black Friday Jake and I went shopping (I couldn’t believe it myself). Thankfully only at Wally World .We ended up with:

- A can of varnish for Wyatt’s dresser

- A razor blade for my stovetop


I am so excited! This is our first year to put up a tree. Since we’ve been married we have flown home for Christmas so there was never a point in putting one up. Now we’ve got it, and it’s up, and SLOWLY we are getting decorations put up on it (we didn’t have those either!).

Sunday after Thanksgiving I got the stomach virus (awesome!). That was really not fun.

And last night we had a surprise B-day party for my sister-in-law’s 30th Birthday! It was lots of fun with good food and good people!

Okay, that’s all I can remember for now. I will try to get better about posting more often…