So this morning I woke up a little after 6. I thought I heard Cady, so I went to get her. When I got there she was standing up in her crib with her cheek resting on the top of the railing, sleeping. Who knew children were like horses??? So, I layed her down and went back to bed, but I couldn't go back to sleep. So now it is 5 'til 8 and I am awake, you know who's sleeping? That's right, everyone else. Seriously??? How is it that the rare time that Cadence sleeps past 7, I am wide awake??? Usually it's 6:50 and I'm not ready to get up. For some reason I was rarin' to go at 6:15 today...
Jake is off for the next 3 days, which is really exciting. It feels like he has been on a business trip because we haven't hardly seen him at all in the last 5 days. I think the 3 days off will be really good. We are thinking of possibly taking a trip or 2 during this trial run of the 4 on-4 off schedule. I'm thinking maybe 1 family getaway, and then maybe a romantic trip for the 2 of us. I would really like for both of them to be relatively inexpensive. I'll have to see what I can come up with. If anyone has a recommendation I would love to hear it.
It's officially 8 a.m. now, Cady is still sleeping. Good for her!
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