Monday, January 31, 2011


For most of last week Jake was gone. Then when he got back he went on a continuous run schedule so he worked from very early morning to late evening all weekend. He has training all week, and then goes back on continuous run at the end of this week…Pretty much, this momma is doing it alone right now. I’m pretty proud of myself for making it work and getting it all done. We even made it to church early yesterday!

As of Friday we have made it to the 3 week marker!

Last Friday, Wyatt went to the doc for his 2 week check up and was back up to his birth weight which was such good news to hear. He did however shrink ½ an inch. I can’t decide if that means that he is less of a cone-head now or if it means someone doesn’t know how to measure…

He is so much different than Cady was. He LOVES to be held, he makes noise ALL the time (mostly squeaks) he is a very feisty eater, he likes his binky but doesn’t love it, AND he already is only waking up once at night to eat. The last one makes this momma a VERY happy lady! I’m pretty sure that at 3 weeks Cady was still eating 2 or 3 times during the night. Wyatt is also very schedule oriented so far. He eats, sleeps, and poops at almost the exact same times every day. Now if only I could be schedule oriented.

Last Monday was my birthday. I have to say that unlike some people, getting older doesn’t bother me. Every year my birthday gets close and I think, “yay! I made it!” The Lord knows that there were times in my life when I wasn’t letting Him be in charge. Now with every year that passes I am just happy that is was another year walking in the Light. The Friday before some of my family got together and we had a wonderful meal and got to spend some good time together. It was really great. Then this past Friday we had another little get together.

My actual Birthday however is a dreaded day. For the last several years is had been a really BAD day. Every year I have hopes of it being the redeeming birthday, but so far it hasn’t happened. I have to say that I am SO thankful for a sweet call from my great friend Danielle. Somehow I missed it, but the message she left was so sweet and really helped me hold it together. Then, my wonderful sister took me to lunch. Thank you SO much Amber!!! So there were definitely bright spots in my day!

Here are a few pics of the happenings in the Hamilton House this week:

For my Birthday Dinner Cady and I had Toquitos. I taught her how to dip them :)

Sweet little boy!


My Cutie-patutie!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh, POOP!!!

   It is amazing how much more difficult it is to change a little boy's diaper than it is to change a little girl! More things to clean between, beside, under and over, AND on top of that they are quite a bit more sensitive to cool air so you have to be careful or everything in the room will be wet.
   On Tuesday evening I went into Jake and I’s bathroom to change Wyatt’s diaper. We have set up a changing station between our two sinks, and it is stocked with all the necessities to change our little man. So, I plopped him down on the changing pad and began to work. I was very proud of myself for figuring out that if you use a little washrag as a “cover” then it keeps pee from going everywhere. So I plunked the washrag down and started cleaning. Suddenly, I heard a little gurgle and a burp. I looked up for a split second to make sure he wasn’t choking and whom – poop exploded everywhere. It is incredible the amount of pressure that baby’s have in their little bodies! It shot all over the clean diaper that I was attempting to put on, on my hand, up my arm, across the counter and into my sink. WOW! Naturally I gasped, really loud, and Jake naturally thought i had just dropped the baby so he came running in and then just stood there and laughed at me! 
   Now there is one more thing to be terrified of down there…

On the less stinky side:
Do you know what this is???

Yup, that’s right. It’s me wearing jeans that zip and button!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

1 Week

Well, we made it through the first week (whew!). Little Wyatt is just growing and growing. He changes every day and is such a sweet little boy.

Cady just loves him to death! She asks about him all the time and wants to hug him and love him as much as possible. When he cries she likes to sit by him and pet his little head to help him feel better. It makes this momma VERY happy that even this early she wants to take care of him.

 Notice the hand on the face on this one. We're still learning about being careful with Wyatt.

This week we many of our sweet friends and family have come to our aid bringing meals and caring for out little girl while her mommy and daddy recovered. a very BIG "thank you" to all those who loved on us this week!

Cady has turned into quite the little helper these!

God is just amazing. I can see many of my prayers being answered every day! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

God's Perfect Timing

It turns out that God's perfect timing was Friday, January 7th at 3:39 p.m. Our sweet little Wyatt Reed came into the world weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long.

My contractions started at about 7:30 that morning, but I really couldn’t decide if I was in labor or not. With Cady my water broke, so it was very clear when to go to the hospital, but this time that didn’t happen. At first my contractions were about every 15 minutes so I ran around and finished cleaning the house just in case. I did a load of laundry, dust-moped the floors, changed the sheet on all the beds, did the dishes, took out the trashes, and cleaned the bathrooms. By this time it was 9:30 and my contractions were getting closer together (like maybe 8 and 9 minutes apart).

Suddenly it dawned on me that my doctor said that as soon as I was having contractions for about an hour I needed to go ahead and go in. An hour? What does that mean? Every 15 minutes for an hour or like every 5 minutes for an hour? So I decided that I would call her office and just ask. I mean there was NO WAY I was going to be the lady that shows up at the hospital 12 times in false labor. The receptionist told me that the nurse was in a room with someone, but as soon as she was done she would get her to call me. Of course I thought that she meant the nurse would be calling me back soon. After about an hour I called Jake and told him that there was no hurry, but my contractions were now like 5 minutes apart, so if he could come home from work and get me that would be great. Then I called mom (She was in town already) and asked her if she could come watch Cadence for us.

While I waited for Jake I talked to my Mother-in-Law and let her know what was going on. After 1 hour and 30 minutes the nurse from my docs office called and I told her the whole thing and she said that I should definitely already be headed in…so we did as soon as Jake got home. I felt so bad stressing everyone out.

PLUS, our friend Tom was here visiting us from New Jersey and was staying with us. So Jake and Tom came home. I’m sure watching a lady in labor is not that exciting for a single guy!!! SORRY TOM!

We made it to the hospital at about 11:30 a.m. and Wyatt arrived at 3:39 p.m. He was mashed, wrinkly, and healthy - just the way we wanted him!

 After his first bath

Grandmomma, Granddaddy, Grandma, Pawpaw, Aunt Amber, Uncle Trint, and Cousins Rachel, Lane, and Aidyn were all there to visit and hold the new addition to our family.

Cady has decided that she loves her baby, even though she wasn’t sure at first. She gets a little stressed out when he cries, but she asks about him all the time. She really likes to give him hugs and kisses, but her favorite thing is to pet him on top of the head. We do most things together these days, including changing diapers, because we want everyone to know they have a special part in taking care of our little Wyatt.

We are just praising God everyday for his abundant blessings here in the Hamilton House. How grateful we are for the way He loves and cares for us!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well, I'm still here and still pregnant with the 39th week quickly approaching. I went to the doc on Tuesday and she said that nothing had changed since my last appointment, but that it could be any day now. I think that might be the worst thing your doc could tell you. I would rather her say something like, "He's not coming out this week." Then, if he does, it would be like wonderful surprise. Instead, I get really anxious at night and have a hard time sleeping because I can't quit thinking that our sweet little boy might come at any minute. I am now having contractions all the time, but they are never consistent (either in timing, intensity, or length). I am, waiting on God's perfect timing.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

 Isn't that just the sweetest picture? Jake was able to spend a LOT more time at home over the last 2 weeks and Cady just ate it up! She LOVED the extra time with her daddy!

While we were out at Jake's parents a few days ago Cadence did the cutest thing (I mean she's always doing a bunch of cute stuff, but this time I got pictures)! When we share something with Cady we often bite what ever it is in half so that it's not too big for her. This particular night she was having some peanuts for a snack. Grandma would hand her one and she would bite it in half...
Then she would feed the other half to Annie (the dog). 
What a sweet girl wanting to share.

On Thursday, we had our annual get together of the families that grew up in church at Veribest. It's amazing how much our little group has grown...

Here are all the kids and their spouses 

And here we are with all of our additions... 

And all that started with this:
Crazy, hu?

Well, as of yesterday I am 38 weeks pregnant. This is territory that is all new to me. Earlier today Cady and I went to the grocery store. It took me an hour to recover! Then when I tried to get up off the couch, I got stuck. I had to sit there for 5 more minutes trying different maneuvers to get UP! I finally just laid down and rolled off... (just kidding it's not quite that bad, yet.)
I go to the Doc tomorrow, so we will see what she has to say.