We've been living a busy life here. Maybe it's not really that busy, but it seems that it is. Maybe my children are just coming to a point where they need me more of the day.
Wyatt is sleeping a lot less during the day; he is already down to only 2 naps. One good morning nap, and one shorter afternoon nap. For the last 10 days or so he has slept all through the night. A REAL night, not what pediatricians consider a night. We have been putting him down about 9 p.m. and he has been sleeping until 5:30 or 6 a.m. when he eats, and then usually sleeps until 7:30 or so. What a blessing. He is crawling all over the place now; only it's not a traditional crawl, it's an army crawl. From what I have read, some children crawl this way until they walk, while others eventually learn to crawl traditionally. I guess only time will tell. He eats like no baby I have ever seen. 2 containers of food in the morning for breakfast and 2 at night for supper, he has one bottle of milk in the afternoon and then he is still nursing 5 times a day. No wonder that he is wearing 12month clothes and headed into 18 month soon. Since he has been on the go he hasn't been gaining quite as fast. He still doesn't have any teeth, but that doesn't stop him from attempting to eat everything he touches.
Cadence is...well getting ever closer to being 2. In her attitude she has been there for a while now, but it gets better every day! She is such a sweetie, when she's not giving her momma attitude, and she is SO funny! We are almost totally potty trained!! We are still having a little trouble when we put a diaper on for a car ride (for some reason she thinks that means she can just go whenever) and when she is really engrossed in something. Currently she is calling me "Cole" (as in Ni-cole) instead of "Mommy" or "Momma". I think it is because when other children come to our house, they all call me "Nicole" and so it would only make since for her to also.
3 weeks ago we went to a couples shower for our nephew, Krease, who will be arriving in October. Then we also attended my nephew, Lane's, birthday party. He turned 4 at the beginning of August. He is heading to preschool this year! SO BIG!! It's wild how things change so quickly!
2 weeks ago Jake and I took a weekend trip down to the Rowdy Float Trip to watch our friends, Ben Morris and the Great American Boxcar Chorus, play. We had a lot of fun visiting with everyone and listening to some great Texas Country Music. It was my first time leaving Wyatt for an over-night trip so I was nervous, but of course he was fine.
Last weekend Amber, my sister, and I (along with 5 children) loaded up and headed to Abilene to do a little shopping. It was CRAZY! We managed to cram 2 double strollers in my car, along with all our kids and their junk. Then we bought stuff and made the kids hold it on the way home...just kidding (kind of).
This weekend a friend and I threw a baby shower for my Sis-in-law. We are very excited to be welcoming Baby Krease into the Hamilton family! Only about 9 weeks now and we will be officially meeting.
It was tons of fun to put together. Here are a few pictures of the day.
We did all kinds of fun things, like make Jamie answer impossible questions. My favorite part was where we got each guest to write down a wish for Krease. I think it's special because someday when he is older he can look back and see that even this far back there were people thinking about him; hoping and dreaming for his future.
And that brings us to today...Jake just got home a few hours ago. He and his dad went to a wedding reception close to Houston. They drove down yesterday and then back today. We have been to Academy and WalMart hunting for pool floaties for our kiddos for a swim date that we have this week...we didn't find any. Oh well. Jake is home, Cady is whining because she wants juice, and Wyatt is attacking the cup Jake is trying to make for Cady. All I can do is smile and think,"Thank you, Jesus, for the blessing of family." :)
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