Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Being a Potty Mouth

There are a lot of potty words going on here in the Hamilton House... No, no. Not THOSE kind of potty words. Like, ACTUAL potty words. Are you following me here?

For the last little while we have really been working on potty training with Cady. She did really great at first, then we had a horrible day or two, and now she's doing really good again (thankfully!).

It makes me laugh to think of all the words I say to Cady during the day. I mean the sentences that come out of my mouth, I'm sure are offensive to some, but what can I do?

 - "Cady where does pee pee go? That's right in the potty."
 - "That's gross, don't touch that"
 - "Mommy will put it in the potty!"
 - "Can you push?"
 - "toot!"
 - "Yes, daddy goes in the potty too!"

Then there are whole conversations while we are "practicing" in public. The important thing is that we are getting there, and it's too late to change my mind. We just try to keep it light and remember that bathroom humor is indeed funny!

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