Thursday, April 28, 2011


Sometimes I wonder what she is thinking...

(sitting on the duck!)

(check out the handlebars...)

(there is a cow puzzle piece in there)

A little bit crazy a little bit cool!

In other news:
 We had a great Easter Weekend. Cadence got a basket (full of goodies) and was able to hunt eggs at Grandma and PawPaw's house. She had a really good time!!! We also played in the water (explaining her swimming suit).

'Cady's Cave' - a nook filled with toys...and GRANDMA!

Easter Dress

Checking out her basket after church...she was distracted by a Rolo.

Sunday Afternoon we went out to my parent's house. After doing The Resurrection Eggs with Grandmomma the kids headed out to hunt.
All the cousins

Cadence and Aidyn discussing some candy.
It was SO funny, Cady only liked the yellow ones. She would leave everything else laying on the ground, but if it was yellow she would grab it!

Rachel not getting in too big of a hurry...

Lane taking the whole thing VERY seriously! 

These two are going to be trouble!
Watch out!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


This day I celebrate the greatest sacrifice ever given and the greatest gift I've ever received.

The day My Jesus died for me,
and then rose again 3 days later
conquering death.
Allowing me to live free in Him;
giving a direct relationship through Jesus
to the Father.

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oh the places we will go...

On Thursday evening we headed to Robert Lee to watch my oldest niece play her last Little Dribblers Basketball Game and see my nephew play in his first t-ball game. My niece has come a long way since the first game that I saw her play in and has become a pretty good little defensive player. The t-ball game was HILARIOUS! It was; it was! Just like in the movies, someone would hit the ball and all the players on the field would run after it. If the ball went to right field, here they would all go, tripping each other up on the way, out to right field…all of them except my nephew who sat on 3rd base. Then, there was one little boy Just could not figure out which way to run, so he headed from home plate to the pitchers mound; from first to the pitcher’s mound; and then from 2nd back to home plate. Poor little guy! He did eventually touch all the bases. LOL! It was wonderful; just as every 1st t-ball game should be!

On our way out to RL we noticed that there was a little smoke coming up from behind the hills. By the time my niece's game started at 8 p.m. this is what it looked like

They closed the road back to Anglo so we had to drive to Bronte first. then back to San Angelo. It was pretty scary, and as we have seen the “Wildcat” fire (as they are calling it now) has now burned more than 140,000 acres.

I know that there are many people that are very upset about these fires. I saw that someone had posted on Facebook that “God must not love West Texas like people say He does or else He wouldn’t let these fires happen”. My first reaction to this was anger…lots of anger. After prayer (and lots of it) I just saw an aching heart. Though I am sure that person will never read this, I would like to post my reply here:

- I am sorry that these fires are making you so upset. They ARE affecting many people in many areas. The first thing that I think we all need to realize is that God loves us all the same. It doesn’t matter if you live in West Texas, or are bowing down to a Buddhist idol in a temple in China. God loves us all, and I’m so grateful that he does because I know that I didn’t deserve that love. However he freely gives it and it is up to us to accept that love and begin a relationship with Him and His son, Jesus.

- The second thing I would like to say is that it is so clear how God has kept his hand on this fire. Every time the fire has reached a city limits the winds have changed direction and the fire has gone around it. Since…well a REALLY long time wildfires have been a natural clearing of the land. In a few months time I am sure that we will see beautiful green shining through. I’m just so glad that God has protected so many. I’m not saying that structures have not been damaged. But, as of yet not a single life has been lost in this Wild Cat fire.

We are all praying for rain... and I know that in God's perfect timing it will come.

Saturday we watched the guys work out in Mertzon. It was a pretty day and they got a lot done. Jake and I had a prior commitment for the morning, but did get to take the kids out that afternoon. Here are a few pics of all the things that we did and saw...

Cadence got to have another ride with Uncle Chad. She loved it! I'm so glad that she isn't scared to get on.

Look who else got on a horse. I almost passed out...For someone who HATES riding he sure didn't seem to mind it that day!

Jake and his Dad... It's that such a good picture?!

Isn't that sweet? Hahaha! You can tell that guy has kids...

After seeing other people turn the water on, Cady was convinced that she could figure out how to do it.

After all the "work" was done, we went out with PawPaw to feed the cows. There were a lot of new babies.

Like this one that wasn't but a day or so old. So cute!

This is the baby heifer that PawPaw is having to bottle feed. We are hoping that she makes it.

Of ALL the things on the Ranch, and all the things Cady gets to do, see, and touch; these seem to be her very favorite.


See this little boy?
He is getting stronger every day. He has just recently found himself in the mirror; he loves to visit with whoever that is! Wyatt's hair is starting to fall out. It makes me sad :(
There is still lots of hair on top, but not much on the sides. It makes him look like he is wearing a toupee.

See this little girl?

Isn't she SO cute!
Yes, well, this little girl's ears seem to be broken. She is unable to hear the word "no" or anything like it. She also can not hear her name being called when she knows that she doing something that she isn't supposed to. 
I guess we are getting ever closer to -
"The Terrible Two's"

Friday, April 8, 2011

It happens so fast!

Wyatt turned 3 months old yesterday. Can you believe it? He is a whole 1/4 of a year old. It just happens so fast!
 He is so smiley!
And is such a handsome little boy!

I'm pretty sure that about 2/3 of his body is his belly. It's huge!!!

I mean look at that ^

When Wyatt was a new born you could see his skinny neck. It has since disappeared.
Look at those cheeks!

He loves to talk. If you talk to him, he will talk back. He also talks to anything that looks like it has a his octopus.

We have now tried rice cereal, oatmeal, and apples. The apples made him shiver the first couple of tastes, but since then he seems to like them. He really likes rice and doesn't care for oatmeal at all. He has decided that he likes to eat and will open his mouth when he sees the spoon coming.

He is still rolling from his tummy to his back (both to the right and left), and just recently is trying to figure out rolling the other way (from back to belly). So far he can get his little body arched and kick a leg. It's funny to watch. He loves to stand up. When you plant him on his feet he grunts (like he's trying really hard),stiffens up his whole body, opens his mouth really big and smiles.

Wyatt wants to be held all the time. He is learning that can't happen and will sometimes be happy if you sit by him and just talk. He also wants to be held certain ways; but not the same way each time. You have to move him around until he's happy.

He doesn't mind taking a bath at all, but will cry if he gets cold when you take him out. On bath days you know that at some point during the day he will have a blow-out and poop will be everywhere. I am still trying to figure this out because it has happened EVERY time. It doesn't matter if I bathe him in the morning or at night, it's going to happen. It makes me really mad. I bath him, he has a blow out, I bath him again with wipes.

We sure do love him...poop and all!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It was kind of sad, but mostly gross...

There was a death today...poor guy. I'm sure he didn't see it coming.

I was hanging up clothes in Wyatt's room. Cady was playing with his baby-gym and talking to me. All of a sudden I looked down at her to see a caterpillar wrap it's body around her thumb as she pulled the other end. Part of it stuck to her finger as the other part fell to the floor.
I'm almost positive that as he was taking a stroll across the beautiful ocean scenery that is on the play mat, he didn't even for a moment think that a toddler was about to scoop him up and pull him to pieces.
I sucked all the air out of the room, I gagged, I shivered. GROSS!
The part that bothers me the most about the whole thing is....

Monday, April 4, 2011

One and a half years...

My sweet, sweet, little girl turned 18 months old yesterday.
I can hardly believe it!

I am so glad that God chose to bless my life with her!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What a week!

This has been a really busy week.

Mon:  Grocery shopping with 2 children. I know that you are thinking that grocery shopping is a minor task. But, I did it with both of my kids. This is a VERY brave thing to do. Let me explain... When I take both of them to the store with me I know that before we can get finished at least one of them will have a meltdown. I also know that I can't put very many groceries in the cart, because Wyatt's seat won't clip onto to the part of the basket where Cady sits, it has to go down inside the basket. I also go to the store fully aware that even though my list is less that 20 items it will take me every bit of 2 hours. This is because every person there over the age of 60 (there are a LOT of these when I go to the store) is going to stop me, inspect my children, comment on them, and then tell me a story about at least one (but probably all) of their grandchildren. Because of this I make sure to have in my purse a blanket (just in case I have to take a break and feed Wyatt), a Binky, 2 cups of juice, and a snack.

Tues: Wyatt and I ran a few errands around town while Cady was in School. Then we came home where I did some major work on the house. That evening we went out to watch My niece, Rachel play in a Little Dribbler's basketball game. It was hilarious! One of the girls on Rachel's team would steal the ball from her own teammates. There was a lot of... dribbling...

Wednesday: I volunteered at the JBF sale. It was lots of fun and I ended up seeing several people that I knew. It also gave me a chance to preview all the items that people were bringing in. My sweet Momma watched BOTH of my children so that I could go up and help.

Thursday: Shop, shop, shop! That's what Wyatt and I did while Cady was playing with her friends. I was so excited to get the double jogging stroller that I was wanting!

There is just something about knowing that you got a good deal for your money that makes me one VERY happy lady! When Jake got home from work he said I was glowing... hahaha! That night we headed out to my in-laws so that Jake could help his dad clean a goat... Then we grilled up some yummy hamburgers for supper.

Friday: The kiddos and I had lunch with my mom and went to see my grandparents. It was my Granddaddy's 85th Birthday! Then when Jake got home we headed back out to his parents house to celebrate my Father-in-laws Birthday (which was on Tuesday). They cooked the goat and we had lots of yummy sides and cobbler and Tiramisu.

Cadence played, and played, and played!

Wyatt hung around while Daddy and PawPaw cooked.

Grandma is always up for a good laugh!

PawPaw helped Cady gather the eggs from the chick-chicks,

Then they stood at the fence and watched the horse.

Today everyone is resting and recovering from a full week. So far my sister and her kids have come for a visit and my parents came over to see us. We'll have to see what the rest of the day brings!