Sunday, November 14, 2010

Random Thoughts...

When is it exactly that you become an adult??? I mean really! Sometimes it's 17 (when you commit a crime), or 18, but when is official ADULT day? Somehow, through most of my 20's I've felt like the same sheepish and shy little kid I did at 16. How does that happen? Even when I was prego with Cadence I felt unsure and self conscious like I was too "little" to be at that place in my life. Somewhere in the last year it's like a light bulb came on, "HEY! YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME! I'M AN ADULT!!!" Shouldn't that have happened like...I don't know, 10 years ago???
I am currently watching the Cowboys play the Giants. The score it 33 to 20 and I am so, very impressed at the Cowboys looking like a team today. It's very exciting. I had been pretty sure that being a fan was going to get even harder...Good for them!
Here in the Hamilton House we are continuing to get things ready for the arrival of baby Wyatt. At my last appointment Dr. H said that we should expect Wyatt to come about the same time Cady did. She also said that he is measuring about a week bigger than what he really is. In that case, please pray that he DOES come early!!! Today, I am 31 weeks. If Doc is right, then Wyatt could be here as early as the last week of December. Yikes... I'll definitely be packed this time!
The curtains are hung, Cady's blanket is just almost complete, canvases are being painted for Wyatt's room, the crib is here and put together, and his dresser is started. We (I mean I) are getting things done. Surely in the next weeks we can get it all done and ready for our new little addition!
Praise the Lord for is greatness and blessings. This life is a crazy ride and I wouldn't want anyone else in the drivers seat!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you are so close to delivering!! So exciting!!

    Quick Question:
    Where did you get the bright icing colors from for Cadence's cupcakes??

