Hello again! We are, indeed, still here. We have just been a bit preoccupied with other things.
I have been teaching a lot of classes up at the gym in an attempt to finish up my certification. I mailed off my DVD Monday! I am so excited. It will be about 2 months until I hear anything, but I am ready for my schedule to settle down a little. For a little while there, I was getting really stressed out about the whole thing, but then Jesus gave me an opportunity to teach for a small group of ladies, just for fun. I had such a wonderful time, and it reminded me of why I decided to do this whole thing in the first place. A BIG thank you to those ladies for putting up with me for a night, and helping me to relax and have fun!
We have had a lot of little people running around here the past few weeks. With the rodeo in town, doctors appointments, and extra shifts at work that some of my mommy friends had, Cady got to spend some really fun time with friends. She LOVES when people come play at our house, and I do to!
Yes, the rodeo was in town! There wasn’t anyone more excited than Cady. The Friday we got to go, I found her in the living room like this:
She did remember the most important part: the boots! She loved the performance and asked me everyday for more than a week after if we could go back. We may have to go more than once next year.
This shaggy little guy got another haircut. Every time Grandma comes over with the scissors, I am just so grateful! He gets to sit in his seat and eat, then comes out of his seat with new hair. Plus, Grandma doesn't charge us anything but a visit, and we really look forward to that.
Just for funzies we flat-ironed Cady's hair. I hadn't ever thought about it, but she asked me to, and why not? It took a while to get all of those little curls ironed out, but we did it! She was so funny talking about her "crazy hair". It only stayed flat for a little while. Within an hour it began to curl back up. I wonder if her hair will stay this curly forever? It is so pretty... and so hard to brush!
Grandmomma's and Grandaddy's and Grandma's and PawPaw's have come to visit and play, as well as a few cousins along the way! (Bahaha! Do you like my rhyme?)
AND, we have played, and played, and played.
Oh, Yea! And...Look who's finally decided to walk!
It took him a while to decide to go for it, but he is walking all over now. He still crawls some, but thankfully the walking is coming along really well!
The other reason it's been a while since I've blogged is because I've been having migraines. A LOT of them. I had 5 in about 3 weeks. I'll have to tell you all about that at another time. I'm just faithful that Jesus wants me to be healthy and believe that by His stripes I'm healed.
I hope that everyone out there is having a marvelous week!