Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stuff and more stuff

Every one in my house is sleeping...I can't believe it. So nice the sounds of silence are!

This morning was pretty good. Wyatt did a lot of playing and needed his mommy to hold him a little less. That was really good, because Cady is still having that ear problem and needed a little extra attention from her mommy. I put W in the jumparoo for the first time today (I'll post pictures later). HE LOVED IT! Mostly, this is good news for me; when I need to get something done I know a place to put him. The only issue we had is that C wants to sake him...not so good, and not so safe. I'm just not sure his little neck can take it yet. In a few months she can shake it all she wants, because he will think it's funny. We are just not there yet.

Yesterday was Mom's and Muffins at Cadys KDO program. We didn't go. Does that make me a terrible mom? There were a few reasons that I didn't want to go but the main one was that I didn't want to be there by myself. I don't really know anyone (which is totally my falt and probably the whole idea of the thing), and I could just see myself attempting to wrestle W and C alone and everyone watching...not fun. So, I waited until a little later and then dropped her off. Perhaps next year when everyone is a little older and then we can all sit and eat muffins together...

Oh, I've been wanting to tell everyone some amazing news. I've ment to for a while now, but I somehow forgot. Maybe 2 amazing newses (you know what I'm sayin'?)
Amazing News #1:
     My cousin had triplets! HAHA! Isn't that so amazing. Through a path that only God could open my cousin and her hubby were blessed with 3 beautiful little girls. Babies A, B, and C were all born at 33 weeks and did amazingly well. They are now 2 months old, and 2 weeks ago the last of the 3 was able to go home. It had been an amazing and crazy journey (especially for the parents)! My mom, sis and I are headed up there in a couple of weeks to see if we can help with cooking, cleaning, care and whatnot to give their sweet mom and dad a little relief. I'm SO excited!!

Amazing News #2:
    You know how sometimes you pray and pray for something and you wonder if God is listening to what your telling him to do, and then you realize that your not the boss, and that God does everything in His perfect timing? (is that just me??) Well, For almost 2 years I (as well as many others) have been praying that God would bless my sister-in-law and her hubbs with a baby. In February we learned that my sweet SIL is prego!! So, I'm going to be an aunt (again, but I think it's just as exciting as the first time)! The doc is saying that my sweet little nephew or niece should be here around October 19th. Isn't that fabulous? I'm guessing that it will be a little boy, but only time will tell.

Someone's awake...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like y'all had a great time at Fredricksburg!! Missed you at the tea party!! :)

    And we saw your MIL and SIL at JBF and she told us the news!!! My heart just rejoiced because I knew you had been praying for her!! What an answered prayer!! God is good.
