Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's been a while... I haven't meant to neglect my blog, but I have just been well sidetracked...

So, back track we will as I get you all caught up. Let's being with Easter.

It was such a wonderful time celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with all our Family. We started at home with baskets..

and then got ready and headed to my In-Law's church to spend the morning with them.

After a delicious lunch. Cady and Wyatt had a treasure hunt and then hunted eggs.
Wyatt liked finding the eggs, but he was more interested in opening each one as he found it and eating what was inside.

Cady, totally, got it this year.

After about 3 eggs, Wyatt got tired and decided to play fetch with Annie instead of hunting more.

After naps we went to my parents house where we spent the rest of the evening. Somehow Wyatt lost all his clothes...

Here's the gang getting ready for hunt #2.

and they're off!

Wait! Where's Wyatt???
Oh, there he is!

Finally he's figuring out what's supposed to be happening here.

Find an egg...

pick it up...

nope...still not getting it!

Everyone checking their stash.

Doesn't he look like he needs more?

We cooked out on the grill and enjoyed the evening together. It was a wonderful way to celebrate Easter!

Friday, May 25, 2012