Friday, September 21, 2012

Something Right

This morning, after my class at the gym, Cady asked me if we could go to the grocery store to buy vegetables. I laughed all the way to the store, where I let her pick out some lettuce, avocados and a small package of raspberries.
There are many times during this journey of motherhood I'm certain I have taken steps in all the wrong directions. Today, however I was left smiling with the thought that I must be doing something right. :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Good Business

Okay everyone, I don't usually do this. I also realize that after not blogging for the last few months, this is a terrible way to start. But, while my kids nap I have a window of about 10 minutes here that I wanted to use to share this with you.

Something I LOVE is good business. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! If there is a company that I have worked with that has treated me above and beyond (especially when it's a small purchase) I want everyone to know about it. That way, if someone is in need of similar items they have a great place to go. Recently I have had 2 of these experiences, so I'm going to share.

The first one is a company called Inspired LED. Jake and I were wanting to do some under-counter lighting in our kitchen. After going to our local home improvement store we realized all the crazy holes we were going to have to drill, all the wires we were going to have to find something to do with, and the crazy expense to get it to look right. I could not believe it! So I came home and began looking online. I came across this company on Amazon, and then just went directly to their site. Amazing! We ended up with some awesome lighting that was super easy to install, and because of the ease of hiding the tiny plug, we decided not to even hard wire them in. We received our order within 5 days. When we started putting the lights up, we realized there was a small issue with one of our strands. I called, someone answered (who I could understand!) on the 2nd ring (can you believe it?) and they immediately sent a new strand which I got in less than 3 days.

The second company I just dealt with today. I have been trying to order the conversion kits for Cady and Wyatt's beds so that we can Cady's mattresses off the floor, and then we'll have Wyatt's when he's ready. It has been such a hassle. I finally found a site where I could order Cady's from here in Texas, but I'm going to have to go get them when they come 8 to 10 weeks. Ugh! I found a store locally that sells Wyatt's crib and after going to the store 3 times, calling 4 times, they can't decide what they want to charge me...lovely. I decided that I would look online today and see what I could find. I found Bambi Baby a store out of Hoboken, New Jersey. They carried Wyatt's crib, but I couldn't find the rails online so I called. Someone (again that I understood) answered on the first ring!!! The lady sweetly looked up and found that they carried the rails but they were out of stock, however a new shipment would be in on Friday. They will ship them out that day, I should have them by next Friday. Shipping was free, and there was no tax...

Just wanted everyone out there to know, just in case you are needing any baby items or lighting. Two totally random items, I know! BUT, good service is good service and I wanted to pass it along!

One of these days, I'll update about what we've been up to. Until then, I am in shopping heaven! I better stop while I'm ahead!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


We sing all the time here in the Hamilton House. We sing in the car, in the tub, in the kitchen and everywhere else really. Singing songs is something that we do A LOT here.

 Tonight Cady sings:
      Baa baa black sheep have you any wool?
      Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Three bags full.
      One for the master.
      One for the dame.
      One for the little boy,
      who lives down the drain.

Bahaha! I LOVE my kids!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Can you believe that Wyatt is 18 months old? I sure can’t. I almost choked on my water when I looked at my watch two Saturday's ago and realized it was his 1 & ½ year Birthday. Wow! What a big boy.

Then, I was a terrible mom and didn’t even post anything about it. :(  Sad face.

At his check up, last week, he was:
25.2 pounds, in the 45th percentile
32.75 inches tall, in the 75th percentile

Everyone keeps telling me he's chunky, but it turns out they are wrong! :)

Let me tell you a little about my darling little boy. For starters, I just love him so stinkin’ much. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about how good God is, and how Wyatt fits into our family perfectly.

He loves food. He will eat just about anything and he wants to eat ALL DAY. 

He is wordy. Wyatt has somewhere in the neighborhood of 130 words. He is already putting them together into 2,3, and sometimes 4 word sentences. I don’t even know how this is happening. I’m pretty sure at this point w/ Cady she was doing lots of 2 word stuff, and maybe a few 3 word lines. If you look back at my baby book, I may not have been talking at all at 18 months. I see this as a blessing, and maybe not as big of a blessing as little Wyatt gets older. I'm pretty sure by the time he is 3 he will be using words that I don't understand to argue with me... I will be investing in a new dictionary very soon.

He is a boy. He loves to be outside. He loves dirt. He loves bugs. He loves things that make loud noises. He loves to make loud noises. He makes stinky smells. He hates clothes.  

He is silly. He makes me laugh all the time. I feel pretty confident that he will be the clown in this family.

He can throw a royal fit. It's amazing. It comes and goes pretty quickly...hopefully learning to express feelings will clam some of that. (P.S. he's mad here because the shoe fell off.)

He sleeps really well. He is also passy free. We got rid of it the week he turned 18 months. He was liking it more all the time and it seemed like the sooner we got it over with the easier it would be for everyone. It took about a week, but he goes to sleep pretty easily with out it now. He does, however, remind me almost every day that I threw it in the trash.

Probably my current favorite thing about Wyatt, is that everyday I can what God created him with being expressed out into the world. Wyatt has a servants heart; he is so giving. And while currently it is expressed in him handing me my napkin, out of my lap, 100 times in a row, and bringing me all the shoes out of my closet, I can see it developing. He never asks for one of anything, he always asks for 2. That way, his sister can have one too. 

What an amazing little boy I have been blessed with. Wow, 18 months! Though I am sad it is passing so quickly, I am so excited about the future. :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Fun

We have been jumping into all kinds of Summer fun!

There is just so much to do, and so many places to go!
Here at the Hamilton House we are enjoying everything that summer has to offer:

like extra time with cousins

yummy snacks, and no pants.

Like, painting projects,

and painting ourselves.

And Roley-Polly's!
We love them too!

We hope your Summer is off to as good of a start as ours is! 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mother's Day

It was such a good Mother's day...
We got to spend some time with the Mom's we cherish so much

Mostly I wanted to show you this:

Isn't that an amazing wrapping job!? Those are pages out of a Parents Magazine and fishing line... evidently Jake couldn't find tape. :)

 And look what this beautiful little girl has; a book of sweet pictures! 

That was my favorite part, because I knew it took forethought and time to put together. 
What a special day it was!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tons of Fun

We went to a gymnastics party a few weeks ago. The kids had so much fun!

Here is Wyatt with his best friend, Sweet D. Sweet D and Wyatt spend a lot of time together, and are still just as excited to see each other the 12th day as they were the 1st day. I love this about their friendship!

Cady played "Duck, Duck, Goose" I'm not sure she ever totally got the rules down, but there were sweet people there to help her learn.

Wyatt was his own man. He didn't follow any rules and played where ever he wanted...I guess you're allowed to do that when you are too little to even know there are rules. He LOVED all the mats. He flopped and rolled and jumped on everything.

Cady did everything there was to do. Even though she was smaller than so may of the other kids there, it didn't hold her back. She tumbled, climbed, jumped, and slid just like everyone else. It made this momma so happy to know that she is adventurous and not easily intimidated.

It was such a fun day with so many new experiences. I'm thinking when Cady gets a little older we may try out a class. We'll see. :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

We Went to the Zoo

My good friend and I took our kiddo's to the zoo. It was tons of fun! We decided to go in March when the weather was still cool, and it wasn't too hot. That way we would be able to actually see some of the animals.

We rode the train, which EVERYONE loved. It was so small I can't believe we all fit in there!

We pretended to drive cars full of zoo animals.

Wyatt needs to do everything Cady does these days, so he had a turn too. :)

We fed the giraffes, which by far was every one's favorite part!

Cady loved their long tongue. At first she was a little afraid, but after she got licked the first time, she thought it was so exciting!

Wyatt squealed every time a giraffe would lick up the cracker he was holding out.

Then he forgot who the crackers were for...

We all enjoyed seeing all the animals that the zoo had to offer.

Sometimes, the animals looked at us.

It was such a great day getting to take a special trip with my little ones. They are getting so big, so fast!

A quick pose before we headed out...

and then we went shopping, because we had a coupon for 40% off our purchase at Old Navy!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's been a while... I haven't meant to neglect my blog, but I have just been well sidetracked...

So, back track we will as I get you all caught up. Let's being with Easter.

It was such a wonderful time celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with all our Family. We started at home with baskets..

and then got ready and headed to my In-Law's church to spend the morning with them.

After a delicious lunch. Cady and Wyatt had a treasure hunt and then hunted eggs.
Wyatt liked finding the eggs, but he was more interested in opening each one as he found it and eating what was inside.

Cady, totally, got it this year.

After about 3 eggs, Wyatt got tired and decided to play fetch with Annie instead of hunting more.

After naps we went to my parents house where we spent the rest of the evening. Somehow Wyatt lost all his clothes...

Here's the gang getting ready for hunt #2.

and they're off!

Wait! Where's Wyatt???
Oh, there he is!

Finally he's figuring out what's supposed to be happening here.

Find an egg...

pick it up...

nope...still not getting it!

Everyone checking their stash.

Doesn't he look like he needs more?

We cooked out on the grill and enjoyed the evening together. It was a wonderful way to celebrate Easter!